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Amar Shah

I am currently an intern in Zhendong Su's group at ETH Zürich. I finished my undergradute at the University of California, Berkeley studying Math, Computer Science, and Logic, where I was advised by Federico Mora and Sanjit A. Seshia.

I am interested in building safe and verifiable software. Specifically, I aim to develop better tools for formal verification, programming languages, and automated reasoning.

I also really enjoy teaching: at Berkeley I have been on course staff for Math 1A: Calculus, CS 70: Discrete Math and Probability Theory, CS 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems, and C191: Quantum Information Science and Technology

Recent News (See all posts)

I attended the SAT/SMT summer school in Nancy, France
I came second place at the 2024 ACM Grand Finals!
Federico presented our work on SMT solving for ADTs at AAAI
Our work on Optimal Control in Transition Path Theory has been published
I won the EECS Evergreen Undergraduate Research Award


Optimal control for sampling the
transition path process and estimating rates
J. Yuan, A. Shah, C. Bentz and M. Cameron
An Eager SMT solver for Algebraic Datatypes
A. Shah, F. Mora and S. A. Seshia
An Eager SMT Solver for Algebraic Data Type Queries
A. Shah